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Возраст логина (лет):20Vesku 21 Dezember 2003 22:16
Wow!How can somebody be so beautiful? It should be forbidden by the Law! You should be arrested for illegal beauty! My heart almost stopped when I saw your pic! You are quite dangerous girl to us old guys ) Your beauty, is it inborn, a congenital defect, or did it happen some accident? What are you going to do rest of your life? I would give up red meat to be with you!I'm very nice and intelligent, quite good looking Sound Engineer from Finland with a GREAT sense of humor. If you want to become acquainted with my lovely person, please write to my e-mail , My MSN , ICQ 1550 30362Yahoo IM veskueriks, mobile phone +358 40 587 3896Have a GREAT day!Your friend andan admirerVesa
11 Januar 2004 12:10
nice to see you
Возраст логина (лет):20Vectra8 19 Juni 2006 17:32
На здоровье! :-)))
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