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Возраст логина (лет):8Колян2015 1 марта 2016 16:02
Hi Angela. I will be glad to accept you in the friends. I have already sent you a request for confirmation of friendship! It is a pity that your photo is absent, but it isn't terrible! I will wait for the answer Kolyan. We will be gets acquainted and to recognize each other more and more and closer!
Возраст логина (лет):8Колян2015 1 марта 2016 16:02
Hi Angela. I will be glad to accept you in the friends. I have already sent you a request for confirmation of friendship! It is a pity that your photo is absent, but it isn't terrible! I will wait for the answer Kolyan. We will be gets acquainted and to recognize each other more and more and closer!
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